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The gateway to understanding

The gateway to understanding

The gateway to understanding en PDF Completo

The gateway to understanding

  • ISBN: 9781418487393
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

6 + 7:


The subject of waves particularly, electronic waves, has been piecemealed to a point where every text covers only a small part of the subject and leaves the rest to someone else to develop. At the present moment, there is no coherent and one-stop approach that covers this material from A to Z and presents it in such a way that an average person can wrap his wits around it. There has been a need for such a book for quite some time. Over the last hundred years, the field of electronic waves, initially placed on a firm ground by James Clerk Maxwell, has grown and blossomed magnificently, primarily in the area of applications to match up with the mathematical sophistication with which Maxwells equations was presented. Today, almost anyone in our highly technological society strives toward a higher understanding of the inner workings of electronic equipment and desires to know the major principles behind this fascinating form of energy called electricity and electronic waves, and yet most electrical books present the basic concepts with so much complexity and filled with so many mathematical equations that the average individual has given up on the subject and perforce has decided to retire to the sideline to be a spectator on the subject. In other words, their hope has been dashed aside and their dream of a higher understanding has not been fulfilled in any of the modern texts on electricity The present work is the culmination of many years of study, observation and pondering on the dilemmas and enigmas of the physical universe in which we live with particular attention to electronic waves. In this work the origin of electronic waves and the resultant understandings that has been extracted from years of study of this sophisticated and at times incomprehensible subject, is presented with many lucid examples and applications. Within the confines of this book, one is given a chance for the first time to take an in- depth look and inspect first-hand, one of the most dyn


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