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Quarks, nuclei and stars

Quarks, nuclei and stars

Quarks, nuclei and stars en PDF Completo

Los quarks, la materia prima de nuestro universo

  • ISBN: 9789813220645
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

3 + 0:

Quarks, chiflados y el cosmos

 ,This memorial volume is dedicated to physicist Gerald E Brown (1926&ndash,2013) or ',Gerry', as he was known to his many students, postdocs, colleagues and friends. As written by one of the contributors to this book, ",Gerry was an inspiring father figure for generations of theoretical nuclear physicists and a great human being",.This book covers a wide range of topics in nuclear physics, including nuclear structure, two- and three-body nuclear forces, strangeness nuclear physics, chiral symmetry, hadrons in dense medium, hidden local symmetry, heavy quark symmetry, cosmic neutrinos, nuclear double-beta decay, neutron stars, gravitational waves, renormalization group methods, exotic nuclei, electron ion collider (EIC), and much more. Most of the authors are Gerry',s former students and collaborators.We hope readers will find this book very interesting not only for its physics content but also for the window it gives into Gerry',s personal legacy and humanity. This book has vivid recollections of Gerry at Stony Brook, Princeton and Copenhagen, together with his humor and his very special intuitive way of thinking._,

Quarks, nuclei and stars

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