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Nanoscopic electrofocusing for bio-nanoelectronic devices

Nanoscopic electrofocusing for bio-nanoelectronic devices

Nanoscopic electrofocusing for bio-nanoelectronic devices en PDF Completo

Nanoscopic electrofocusing for bio-nanoelectronic devices

  • ISBN: 9781627054287
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

The ability to arrange precisely designed patterns of nanoparticles into a desired spatial configuration is the key to creating novel nanoscale devices that take advantage of the unique properties of nanomaterials. While two-dimensional arrays of nanoparticles have been demonstrated successfully by various techniques, a controlled way of building ordered arrays of three-dimensional (3D) nanoparticle structures remains challenging. This book describes a new technique called the nanoscopic lens which is able to produce a variety of 3D nano-structures in a controlled manner. This ebook describes the nanoscopic lens technique and how it can serve as the foundation for device development that is not limited to a variety of optical, magnetic and electronic devices, but can also create a wide range of bio-nanoelectronic devices._,

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