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Lost mountain stallion

Lost mountain stallion

Lost mountain stallion en PDF Completo

Environmental change in mountains and uplands (edición en inglés)

  • ISBN: 9781936127436
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

2 + 2:

The complete entlebucher mountain dog book

A hidden cave leads to a terrifying experience with a fierce stallion. ,Wild horses and badlands in the Northern Rockies intertwine in a classic adventure story of a young ranch woman on the trail of her stolen mares. , Warned not to ride into the rugged country known as the Devil&rsquo,s Maze, she gambles after finding the trail of her mares and the hoof print of another strange horse. ,Believing she is close to finding her mares, she continues her search and discovers a cave that leads her deep into the Devil&rsquo,s Maze. , A lone black stallion follows and attacks her and her saddle horse on a high mountain cliff near Lost Mountain. , A horrifying fight ends with both horses and rider plunging from the cliff into a gorge with no discernable escape. Her saddle horse is killed in the fall and she and the stallion are injured. Unable to stand, the stallion lays on a sidehill and struggles to breath. Fearful of the stallion, Jean moves a safe distance away from him. , A week passes as she recovers from the fall. , She is trapped in the rocky gorge and survival with the fierce stallion becomes a nightmare she is determined to win. , Food, water and escape become her obsession as she shares the gorge with the wild black stallion. , ,_,

Lost mountain stallion

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