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From the horses mouth

From the horses mouth

From the horses mouth en PDF Completo

All the pretty horses (edición en inglés)

  • ISBN: 9781943654086
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

0 + 7:

From the horses mouth

&ldquo,When I ,was a ,young horse, I ,thought if I ,wasn&rsquo,t always good, I ,could at least be use­,ful. Then I ,broke my ,leg.&rdquo, When Snoopy was three years old, he won the 2007 Pacific Coast Quar­,ter Horse Asso­,ci­,a­,tion Trail Futu­,rity. His trainer and his owner had his career mapped out&mdash,he would be cam­,paigned around the cir­,cuit and qual­,ify to be invited to the ,AQHA ,World ,Show. Then in 2008, Snoopy broke his left hind sesamoid, a ,small bone in the leg. This injury  ,can mean any­,thing from surgery to euthana­,sia. Surgery didn&rsquo,t guar­,an­,tee he could be rid­,den again, much less ,shown. In the tra­,di­,tion of Black Beauty, this is Snoopy&rsquo,s  ,own story, told from his spe­,cial point of view. He tells of his youth, his train­,ing, his injury, and his long fight to return to the show arena, to prove he&rsquo,s the same horse he always was, only different._,

The man who listens to horses

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