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  • ISBN: 9780996240901
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

5 + 8:

Once in a lifetime we might witness a scientific event so rare and revolutionary that it changes our lives forever. Imagine awakening on the day in history when we learned that the Earth is round, not flat, or awakening on the day we learned that the planets orbit the Sun, not the Earth. Now, imagine awakening tomorrow to learn that Einstein',s theory of relativity is wrong! Demonstrating that Einstein&rsquo,s theory is wrong is a tall order. Undaunted, author Steven B. Bryant doesn&rsquo,t simply prove relativity wrong, he shows that relativity theory was never correct in the first place. Unencumbered by relativity, Bryant introduces Modern Mechanics, his new unified theory that is easy to understand and more accurate than Einstein&rsquo,s theory of relativity. In Disruptive, you&rsquo,ll learn

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