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The physics of music

The physics of music

The physics of music en PDF Completo

Physics for scientists and engineers (5th ed) (edición en inglés)

  • ISBN: 9781443726832
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

3 + 3:

University physics (9th ed)

I HOPE that this little book may serve as an introduction for some to the very interesting borderland between physics and music. It is a borderland in which the co-operation of musicians and physicists may have important results for the future of music. The typescript and proofs have been read by Miss Nancy Browne from the point of view of the general reader, and many obscure passages have been clarified. On the technical side I am indebted to Dr Pringle, who has read the proofs and given me valuable criticism and advice. Miss Cawkewell has helped me with the illustrations, Mr Cottingham has supplied the photographs for Figs. 1.7 to i. io, and my secretary. Miss Sindall, has been responsible for the typing and for the assembly and preparation of the material. Because of the help received from these and others the book is a much better book than it would otherwise have been. For its remaining imperfections I must take full

Physics : for scientists and engineers (5th ed.)

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