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(i.b.d.) the origin of macroeconomics: the german bernacer´s theory (edición en inglés)

  • ISBN: 9781635016178
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

2 + 6:

La germandat del raim (edición en catalán)

You love German Shepherds. They are great family dogs exhibiting fierce loyalty, impressive good looks, intelligence, courage, and a highly protective nature. Who can blame you for wanting a German Shepherd as your lifelong best friend and protector? Not so fast! While it s true that the German Shepherd is a popular, highly valued and desirable canine companion, the breed, much like all breeds, is not a perfect fit for every person, setting, lifestyle or family situation. Amy Morford created the The German Shepherd Big Book to help you figure out if a German Shepherd is a good pet for your individual needs as well as determining if you can meet the demanding emotional and physical requirements of the breed. This book is not intended as a training guide. It was created to familiarize you with the German s Shepherd s background, main characteristics, dominant traits, and health concerns, with tips on selection and care. Morford kicks off with a fascinating history of the breed--thoroughly explaining how a dog that was originally bred to herd sheep morphed into a drug and cadaver discovery working dog, a service and therapy dog to the blind, deaf, and disabled, protective family pet, military dog or police patrol partner. In the second chapter, Morford examines the time, money, energy-level, and lifestyle required to meet the needs of a German Shepherd so that both the dog and its human companion aren t miserable because of a failure to provide proper food, shelter, exercise, and companionship. To assist in selecting your first German Shepherd, Morford compares and contrasts American versus German bloodlines, male versus female

Cassell s dictionary of modern german history (edición en inglés)

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