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Soap opera

Soap opera

Soap opera en PDF Completo

The quantum phase operator: a review (optics and optoelectronics) (1st ed.) (edición en inglés)

  • ISBN: 9780671897819
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

6 + 5:

MatemÁticas de las operaciones financieras

Behind Procter & Gambles wholesome image is a control-obsessed company so paranoid that Wall Street analysts, employees, and the chairman himself refer to it as the Kremlin. P&Gs wealth and power ensure that it gets what it wants, from tax breaks to the eager services of Washington lobbyists.In this explosive expose, Wall Street Journal reporter Alecia Swasy tells the chilling story of life within P&G.Wonderfully readable, impeccably researched, Soap Opera is a sobering look at the price of success in American business._,

Principios de administracion de operaciones (9ª ed.)

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