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Fisica general (32ª ed.)

  • ISBN: 9781681749709
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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Fisica general

This book is based on a set of 18 class-tested lectures delivered to fourth-year physics undergraduates at Griffith University in Brisbane, and the book presents new discoveries by the Nobel-prize winning LIGO collaboration. The author begins with a review of special relativity and tensors and then develops the basic elements of general relativity (a beautiful theory that unifies special relativity and gravitation via geometry) with applications to the gravitational deflection of light, global positioning systems, black holes, gravitational waves, and cosmology. The book provides readers with a solid understanding of the underlying physical concepts, an ability to appreciate and in many cases derive important applications of the theory, and a solid grounding for those wishing to pursue their studies further. General Relativity

Astronomia general: teoria y practica

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