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Death by black hole: and other cosmic quandaries (edición en inglés)

  • ISBN: 9780595301256
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

4 + 2:

Death by black hole: and other cosmic quandaries (edición en inglés)

Sometime in the distant past, some fourteen billion years ago, all that is and all that was burst into creation in a tumultuous event. Time and space had no meaning before this genesis event that sparked creation. Cosmic Entity describes how space and time--the universe--came from nothing--a perfect balance of positive and negative energy. All matter that exists today, from the rings of Saturn to the dirt beneath your feet, was created from the seething fireball when the infant universe was less than one second old. This raw material existed in the form of protons (or hydrogen). Cosmic Entity explains how the elements were formed, how matter is synthesized within the cores of stars, and how supernovae (exploding stars) serve to create even heavier elements and seed the galaxies with this raw material. A billion or so years after creation, give or take an eon, the universe expanded and cooled enough for interesting structures--beautiful spiral and elliptical islands of stars called galaxies--to form from the sea of matter. Galaxies grouped together into clusters and colossal super cluster walls of galaxies evident today._,

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