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CATS en PDF Completo

Libros de f�sica

  • ISBN: 9780865346451
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

3 + 1:

Fisica: problemas y ejercicios resueltos

Wild cats, tame cats, alley cats, barn cats--all kinds of cats fill the pages of this science picture book for younger readers. It grew out of years spent by the author in studying cats and keeping them as pets. The physical characteristics of cats, their instincts and habits are described and explained. There is an interesting section on how to play with a kitten or cat, what kind of den to construct and directions for making it. There are rules for raising healthy, happy cats--how to feed them, keep their quarters clean, and train them. In the last part of the book, the author takes up the whole cat family--lions, tigers, cheetahs, and their cousins--and he ends with a brief history of our pets as we know them today. The amusing and informative pictures on every page not only illustrate the text, but provide a wealth of additional information. Younger children will find endless entertainment in the pictures, and there is no age limit to those who will enjoy the informal, authentic text. Wilfrid Swancourt Bronson wrote his first book at the age of eight. Called Animal People, it started like this

Fisica universitaria con fisica moderna 1: de sears y zemansk

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